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Customized Energy Solutions: How We Transformed This Large Household

Discover how our innovative energy system not only met the unique requirements of a large household but also provided substantial cost savings and optimized energy consumption. This case study is a great example of the challenges faced by homeowners juggling the energy demands of a residence, an electric car, and a swimming pool. See how our tailored solution not only addressed these challenges but also significantly reduced their energy bills.

Customer Overview
Our customer had a substantial daily energy consumption of 30 KW for their residence, which increased to 110 KW from April 1st to October 14th due to the additional 30 KW required for the swimming pool. Further complicating matters, they owned an electric car with an 80 KW capacity, consuming an average of 50 KW daily. The total energy demand during the winter months (October 14th to March 30th) was 80 KW.

Customer Requirements
The primary challenge was to charge the electric car with 50 KW per day using cost-effective electricity. Given the single-phase nature of the house, the car could only utilize 30 KW during the 4-hour cheap Octopus rate, necessitating an additional 20 KW of storage. Assuming a 12 KW solar system, the objective was to generate sufficient energy during the day to cover the pool, house, and store 36 KW for the car. This stored energy would enable the car to charge during the midnight hours when grid electricity is cheaper.

Tailored Solution
Our solution focused on a battery storage system of approximately 50 KW, designed to charge within a 4-hour window. This involved 2 x 6 KW inverters connected to either 4 x 6.5 KW batteries or 5 x 5 KW batteries. This cost-effective system was tailored to maximize energy savings for the homeowner.


Cost Breakdown

Installation of 24 500W panels, 2 x 6 KW inverters, and 48 KW of IP66 batteries comes at an investment of £25,000.

Cost and Return Comparison
Without our system, the homeowner would face an annual bill of £27 per day for 195 days (60 KW at £0.15, 50 KW at £0.33) and £17.50 per day for 170 days (50 KW at £0.15, 30 KW at £0.33), totalling a staggering £7815 across 365 days.

With our system, the homeowner’s energy expenditure is reduced significantly. For 195 days, they only needed to purchase 30 KW per day at £2.70. During winter months, all energy was purchased at £0.09 per unit.


By investing in our tailored energy solution, this homeowner not only addressed their unique energy needs but also experienced substantial savings, making the initial investment a wise and cost-effective decision. Consider adopting a similar approach to enhance your energy efficiency and enjoy significant long-term financial benefits.

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